The community offers varying types of project management and coordination on a local, regional and international level. The established European Desk enables valuable pre and post-award aid for European community projects, including:
a) Development of the proposal
- Assistance with interpretingforeign documentation and forms.
- Support in research project formulation.
- Identifying and organizing the “Consortium”.
- Defining the work plan and project budget.
b ) Coordinating the proposal
- Defining the Gantt charts (timeline and milestones) and Consortium.
- Helping with scientific contribution preparations, including project management (“exploitation, dissemination and IPR”).
- Assistance in formatting final draft submissions and proposal management.
c) Project Coordination & Management
- Contract negotiations and Consortium Agreement preparation.
- Meeting organization (i.e. agendas and minutes).
- Funding agency relations.
- Managing relations with the funding agencies.
- Deadline monitoring.
- Progress and final report preparation.
- Coordination with partners.
- Financial budget management.