Come Celebrate Italian Space in D.C. 

Italian National Space Day Celebration – Thursday December 15th, 2022
3000 Whitehaven St NW, Washington, DC 20008


The Embassy of Italy in Washington, D.C. in collaboration with the Italian Trade Agency and the Italian Space Agency, cordially welcomes space industry players and shareholders to attend a full day of celebrating Italy’s “National Space Day” and exploring new opportunities. The activities are planned for Thursday, December 15th.

The whole morning will be dedicated to B2B sessions between Italian and U.S. industry leaders. All industry players interested in participating in the B2B sessions should express their interest to:

Following the B2B morning meetings, the Embassy is pleased to extend an invitation for actors in the space sector to attend an afternoon full of dedicated workshops highlighting Italian space activities, capabilities, research breakthroughs and partnerships alike.

At 5pm a networking dinner reception opened with high-level US and Italian remarks will immediately follow the breakout sessions and industry workshops.

Click here below to soft RSVP and stay in the loop.

The ITA and ASI (Italian Space Agency) have made it easier than ever to discover the very best of the Italian aerospace sector with a landing page and easily accessible full aerospace industry company catalog found here.





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