#covid19 – Coronavirus Disease 2019 latest info in Florida

Miami Scientific Italian Community is committed to the health and safety of all residents in wake of the developing outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We would like to inform that we are closely monitoring developments with COVID-19.  Positive Cases of COVID-191.056.065 – Florida Residents17.705 – Non-Florida resident Deaths19.378  Number of Negative Test...

#covid19 – Cleaning and Disinfecting your Home

Everyday Steps and Extra Steps when someone is Sick How to clean and disinfect Wear disposable gloves to clean and disinfect. Clean Clean surfaces using soap and water. Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces. High touch surfaces include: Tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets,...

Members of the Miami Scientific Italian Community Coronavirus Task Force will give an Update at the Citizen of Florida on efforts to curb the spread of #covid19

Miami Scientific Italian Community is committed to the health and safety of all residents in wake of the developing outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), making the timely dissemination of actionable intelligence essential. Recognizing that education is vital, Miami Scientific Italian Community recently begun sending out communication to regarding important facts...

#covid19 – Supercomputer ENEA a disposizione di tutta la comunità scientifica per ricerca su farmaci e vaccini

Uno dei supercomputer più potenti d’Italia sarà a disposizione della ricerca scientifica pubblica e privata impegnata contro il coronavirus. Si tratta dell’infrastruttura CRESCO6, operativa presso il Centro ENEA di Portici, vicino Napoli, in grado di effettuare fino a 1,4 milioni di miliardi di operazioni matematiche al secondo. Per sottoporre una...


The Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC) introduces a delegation from University of Rome Tor Vergata, led by Professor Paolo Di Nardo, Director of the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Cardiology, Center of Regenerative Medicine and Dept. of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine on the topic: NOVEL  INSTRUCTIVE  BIOMATERIALS  FOR  3D  BIOPRINTING...

Florida International Medical Expo

We’re thrilled to announce that registration for FIME 2025 is officially open! Don’t miss the opportunity to attend and drive global medical trade and innovation in the US, taking place from June 11–13, 2025, at the Miami Beach Convention Center.   FIME has redefined what it means to connect, source,...

Think Tech Italia – Made in Italy Innovations Showcase – Miami

DE FURIA (MSIC): FLORIDA AS A CATALYST FOR MADE IN ITALY IN THE UNITED STATES Miami, March 24-28: Think Tech Italia Made in Italy Innovations Showcase “Florida can represent an incredible growth engine for the Italian scientific community and for Italian SMEs with a high degree of innovation. Strengthening our...

Think Tech Italia – Made in Italy Innovations Showcase – Miami

DE FURIA (MSIC): FLORIDA È VOLANO PER IL MADE IN ITALY NEGLI STATI UNITI A Miami dal 24 al 28 marzo Think Tech Italia Made in Italy Innovations Showcase. “La Florida può rappresentare un`incredibile volano di crescita per la comunità scientifica italiana e per le PMI Italiane ad alto tasso...

Opportunità di business e internazionalizzazione in Florida

Giovedì 9 gennaio alle ore 15,00(ora ITA) su piattaforma teams si svolgerà il Digital Meeting “Opportunità di business e internazionalizzazione per le imprese del Lazio in Florida”, incontro organizzato in collaborazione con  SelectFlorida agenzia governativa dello Stato della Florida. L’iniziativa è realizzata a seguito della visita a Roma della delegazione...

Giorgio Fossa will be the next president of LUISS

Giorgio Fossa is the new president of Luiss, the university of Confindustria. Fossa will replace Luigi Gubitosi, who has held the position for four years. Giorgio Fossa, entrepreneur, is currently the Chairman at Italianlink SpA, Chairman at Business School24. SpA, Director at Silvio Fossa SpA, and Sole Director at Mr....

progettoDiventerò nel Mondo per le scuole italiane all’estero

Fondazione Bracco promuove con l’Ufficio V della Direzione Generale per la diplomazia pubblica e culturale del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale il progettoDiventerò nel Mondo. Il progetto, che intende promuovere la cultura scientifica e la parità di genere nelle STEM, si rivolge alle studentesse e agli studenti di...

New Insights into Brain Mechanisms Underlying Empathy

A research team from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia has uncovered a key brain mechanism that modulates how animals react to others’ emotions. This discovery provides valuable insights into understanding psychiatric conditions where this specific socio-cognitive skill is impaired   A specific brain mechanism modulates how animals respond empathetically to...

The Italian National Space Day protagonist for the third year in Miami.

Established by directive of the Italian Prime Minister to celebrate the launch of the first Italian satellite, San Marco 1, which took place on December 15th 1964, which allowed Italy to be among the first countries in the world to overcome the Earth’s atmosphere. Since then Italy boasts many records...

ESA to support the development of EU’s secure communication satellites system

A multi-orbit constellation of about 300 satellites that will deliver resilient, secure and fast communications for EU governments, European companies and citizens will be put in orbit after two contracts were confirmed today in Brussels. The IRIS2 constellation – which stands for Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite...

