The European Commission is organizing a brokerage event and info days, both in virtual formats, for Horizon Europe’s Pillar II, Cluster 5 – “Climate, energy, and mobility.” The matchmaking activity will take place online on October 18th, 2023 and the info days will take place online on October 17th, 2023. The brokerage event has a registration deadline of September 30th. Entities willing to participate in the pitching session must send their presentation by September 8th.
Keep in mind that the times on the linked websites are in Central European Summer Time (CEST) unless otherwise noted. Researchers in North America may wish to wait for the recordings to be available and/or network asynchronously using the b2match platform for the brokerage event.
To see current and upcoming open calls in Cluster 5 under Pillar II of Horizon Europe, see a filtered list of results on the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders Portal.