Innovation: technological excellence “Made in Puglia” lands in the United States

8f1cdf9b-5aff-445e-aaad-c2e517a3eb45.JPGAgreement signed among Piccola Industria di Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico di Bari and Miami Scientific Italian Community to promote Puglia’s innovation ecosystem in the U.S.


The agreement has been signed among Piccola Industria di Confindustria Puglia, Politecnico di Bari, and Miami Scientific Italian Community to promote in the U.S. the Puglia innovation ecosystem made up of many Small Innovative Industries and top-notch Basic and Applied Scientific Research where excellent public and private partnerships operate synergistically.

A tool designed by the Piccola Industria Puglia and Miami Scientific Italian Community to stimulate a dynamic process of comparison between the world of Puglia research and the world of production. A catalog of technologies is available at the Politecnico di Bari that is simple and effective, for quick consultation by American companies that allows them to optimize their contacts with the world of Italian research, by being able to clearly identify the results of research that can have direct applications in the world of industrial production.

Teresa Caradonna President of Piccola Industria Confindustria Puglia states: “Technological innovation and raising skills are strategic factors for business growth and competitiveness. Puglia has a fascinating economic and entrepreneurial landscape made up of SMEs and startups but also of large companies, which invest in research and innovation in all sectors, as well as praising a life style pugliese appreciated worldwide. We want to continue to be attractive but also proactive”, concluded President Caradonna, and the agreement between Piccola Industria Puglia, Miami Scientific Italian Community and our prestigious Politecnico aims at a precise goal: to share and spread knowledge and best practices to create development and opportunities. 

Politecnico Rector Francesco Cupertino states: “Puglia is developing an innovation ecosystem that has great potential to attract major investors, both in Italy and abroad. As the Politecnico of Bari and Southern Italy, we support this process through scientific research and technology transfer to businesses, but we need to broaden our horizons. So this is an important initiative. Indeed, we hope it will be the beginning of a new model of networking that can enhance ideas and skills in the most promising sectors of the economy and offer more opportunities to our talents”.

Fabio De Furia, President of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, states: “Italy continues to be a leading player in the world in high-tech sectors such as aerospace, biotechnology, ICT for cultural heritage and activities, green economy and creative industry. There is a lot of space inside the U.S. for the creativity and the skills of young Italian researchers, to experiment public-private exchanges, stimulate our startup and spinoff sector, and compete united for the Italy of the future. Scientific knowledge, scientific expertise, and scientific commitment are the only bases for achieving concrete goals related to the promotion of Italian scientific and technological expertise in the United States and abroad”, concludes Fabio De Furia.




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