Living Machines 2023 : 12th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems

The development of future real-world technologies will depend strongly on our understanding and harnessing of the principles underlying living systems and the flow of communication signals between living and artificial systems.
Biomimetics is the development of novel technologies through the distillation of principles from the study of biological systems. The investigation of biomimetic systems can serve two complementary goals. First, a suitably designed and configured biomimetic artefact can be used to test theories about the natural system of interest. Second, biomimetic technologies can provide useful, elegant and efficient solutions to unsolved challenges in science and engineering.
Biohybrid systems are formed by combining at least one biological component—an existing living system—and at least one artificial, newly-engineered component. By passing information in one or both directions, such a system forms a new hybrid bio-artificial entity. The conference’s theme also encompasses biomimetic methods for manufacture, repair and recycling inspired by natural processes such as reproduction, digestion, morphogenesis and metamorphosis.

The following are some examples of “Living Machines” as featured at past conferences:
• Biomimetic robots and their component technologies (sensors, actuators, processors) that can intelligently interact with their environments.
• Biomimetic computers—neuromimetic emulations of the physiological basis for intelligent behaviour.
• Active biomimetic materials and structures that self-organize and self-repair or show other bio-inspired functions.
• Nature-inspired designs and manufacturing processes.
• Biohybrid brain-machine interfaces and neural implants.
• Artificial organs and body parts, including sensory organ-chip hybrids and intelligent prostheses.
• Organism-level biohybrids such as robot-animal or robot-human systems.

The first conference day 10 July 2023 is dedicated to workshops taking place in the facilities of the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, Italy. The main conference will then continue in form of a three-day single-track oral presentations program, 11 July to 13 July 2023, to be hosted at the stunning Aquarium of Genoa, Italy.
The conference program will include 5-6 plenary lectures from leading international researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems and the demonstrations of state-of-the-art living machine technologies.
A journalist-moderated Science Café accessible to the public will discuss Living Machines with experts in a broader context.

We invite both full papers and short papers in areas related to the conference themes. All contributions will be refereed, and accepted papers will appear in the Living Machines Proceedings, published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.
Full papers (minimum 12-15+ pages, 300-400 words/page) are invited from researchers at any stage in their career and should present significant findings and advances in biomimetic or biohybrid research. More preliminary work is better suited for shorter papers (minimum 6-11 pages). Full papers will be accepted for either podium talks (single track) or posters. Short papers will be accepted for posters only.
Authors of the best full papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a special issue of the IOPscience journal Bioinspiration & Biomimetics.

Active researchers in biomimetic and biohybrid systems are invited to propose topics for full or half-day workshops on related themes to be held on 10 July 2023.
The content and organization are flexible for these events. Please contact us if you are interested in organizing a workshop!

15 March 2023. Paper submission deadline
01 April 2023. Workshop submission deadline
10 May 2023. Notification of paper acceptance
31 May 2023. Camera-ready copy
10-13 July 2023. Workshops and Conference


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