Politecnico di Torino is a one of the most prestigious public institutions at both International and Italian level concerning education, research, technological transfer and services in all sectors of architecture and engineering for more than 150 years (it was founded in 1859, as the oldest technical university in Italy).
PoliTO is located in the North-West of Italy in a vibrant international city with five campuses with multipurpose buildings for teaching, basis and applied research and services to the students in Torino and a regional network of technological centers, dedicated to research activities, technological transfer, specialist education and services to the region.
Politecnico di Torino offers programs internationally recognised, including a wide selection of English-Taught Programmes from undergraduate to Ph.D. level.
Politecnico di Torino was one of the first Italian universities to implement a significant internationalization strategy that included the creation of an internationalization area, the enhancement of the teaching offer held in English, a significant support to students’ and staff’s international mobility, a growing participation to joint research and teaching programs, and the institution of centers and venues out of national borders.