CNR Technology Offer

Miami Scientific Italian Community in collaboration with The Italian National Research Council (CNR)

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research body in Italy, performing multidisciplinary activities, the only one under the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

Founded in 1923, CNR’s mission is to perform scientific research projects in the main sectors of knowledge and to apply the results for the development of the Country, promoting innovation, the internationalization of the national “research system” and the competitiveness of the industrial system.

CNR faces the challenges of our time in multiple sectors: human and planetary health, environment and energy, sustainable food and agriculture, transport and production systems, ICT, new materials, sensors and aerospace. But also, human sciences and protection of cultural heritage, social sciences, bioethics, quantum sciences and technologies, artificial intelligence, enabling technologies.

The activities are carried out thanks to a wealth of human resources: 8,500 employees operatie throughout the Country, 7,000 of them are engaged in research activities. The CNR’s scientific network consists of 88 Research Institutes, coordinated by 7 thematic Departments. A significant contribution comes from collaborations with private and public sectors, also at international level, and with researchers, from universities and private firms.

Furthermore, the CNR is the largest non-university body involved in PhD in collaboration with universities, with the aim of contributing to the higher education of young scientists, through courses characterized by a very high scientific profile, innovation and quality of research.

The CNR pays particular attention to the collaboration with the industrial system: joint programs, research contracts, innovative services, patent licensing, creation of consortia and spin-offs, and initiatives aimed to support the technology transfer.

The Technology Transfer Office of the CNR (named Research Valorization Unit – UVR) coordinates the Institutional activities of:
• protection and exploitation of intellectual property on research results – managing a portfolio of >300 patent families and many licensing contracts.
• creation of spin-off companies (64, to date);
• promotion and marketing of research results, tools for technology transfer and innovation.

UVR also promotes the launching of strategic partnerships with companies and institutions, aimed to implement applied and translational research projects, and the valorization of CNR’s technologies and skills thanks to dedicated tools and initiatives of business innovation, at a national and international level

The volumes below are a concrete example of said mission, since they provide an example of patents, technologies and research results generated by the activities of CNR, as a showcase of collaboration opportunities available, but also as a useful tool for stimulating new partnerships with Industry.

