Creative Industries
Objectives of the Area of Creative Industries Miami Scientific Italian Community
Serve as a hub for technology transfer, especially to SMEs, and supporting the launch of youth entrepreneurship in systemic action intended to accompany the formation of clusters and creative – productive sectors , as well as their interconnection network, also in order to make the local productive competitive nationally and internationally;
- Encourage the development of a ”place of systemic innovation & creative living lab”, where the four P – People, Place, Public, Private – go to constitute the pieces of a puzzle at the center of innovation ecosystem there are citizens (people) that relate to the urban environment (Place), public organization and to the rulers (Public), through the production world (Private).
- Stimulate the composition of a “critical mass creative” that can build up and control the thinking engine of a Made in/by Italy ”smart” recognizable in the world;
- Achieve a register of needs and a database of design ideas – thanks in part to “call for ideas” – with the intention of supporting the industrial production of the best, thanks to the identification of alternative forms of financing;
- Enable training designed to hybridize design culture with the corporate culture, which is to spread the culture of good design among entrepreneurs and educate designers to corporate culture.
Main topics of interest and intervention
- Smart Products
- Smart cities and places sentient
- Integrated smart physical and virtual framework
- System design
- Process innovation
- Social innovation
- Cultural promotion & dissemination