Maria Anghileri, from Lecco, born in 1987, is the new President of the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria, joining Emanuele Orsini’s team as Vice President by right. Anghileri is chief operating officer of the Eusider Group, among the most important players in the Italian steel market.
Law degree from Bocconi University qualified to practice law. Completed his education abroad at Columbia University and completed at Harvard Bussiness School the Owner President Management program. She joined the Eusider Group in 2016, a family business that has been active in the steel industry for four generations. The Group operates in Italy with 18 locations throughout the country, with 900 employees and 1.5 million tons processed per year.
In the association field, she was national vice president in the outgoing Young Entrepreneurs team with responsibility for business culture and industrial policy where she was in charge of the GenerAzioni project, dedicated to generational transition in family businesses. Since joining the movement in 2015, she has held the positions of vice president of the young entrepreneurs of Confindustria Lecco Sondrio, Confindustria Lombardia and Assolombarda.
Business, people, Europe-these are the key words used by Anghileri to build the work program of the new Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria team.
She will represent the Young Entrepreneurs of Confindustria for the four-year period 2024-2028 together with his Team composed of 9 Vice Presidents: Lorenzo Bagnoli, Mirko Basilisco, Gianluca Costanzo, Andrea Notari, Annalisa Po, Alice Pretto, Maria Sabia, Natale Santacroce, and Alessandra Sensi