RetImpresa Registry: the Italian Platform for Open Innovation and Start-Ups in the USA

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RetImpresa and Miami Scientific Italian Community together to promote the Registry International platform in the United States.


RetImpresa, the agency of Confindustria (The General Confederation of Italian Industries) for the representation and promotion of Business Networks and aggregations, strengthens its collaboration with Miami Scientific Italian Community (MSIC) by focusing on Registry International, the Italian platform for open innovation that uses blockchain as an identity provider for business matching.

Registry is RetImpresa’s project to connect, within an open digital ecosystem, the demand and supply of innovation coming from Small and Medium Enterprises and Startups, in order to facilitate co-design and the search for business opportunities, as well as ideal partners to collaborate with. Registry uses blockchain to certify the collaborative process and digital supply chains, assigning a unique and inviolable digital identity to companies that sign up on the platform and authorship to ideas published in the marketplace, ensuring transparency and security to connection, as well as partnerships amongst companies.

“With this initiative, we intend to further strengthen the existing collaboration with MSIC – says Carlo La Rotonda, Director of RetImpresa – offering Italian companies and startups, through Registry International, a direct and qualified access point to the US market for showcasing the excellence of Made in Italy. I am convinced that Registry’s marketplace of innovative and sustainable business ideas will stimulate technology transfer, collaborations and alliances between companies in both countries”.

“We aim at matchmaking, said Fabio De Furia, President of the Miami Scientific Italian Community – that is, we will give companies the opportunity to meet new international technological, financial and research project partners. We will try to enhance and promote new products by increasing the relationship between supply and commercial and technological demand to create a systematic offer that involves all players, both Italian and American, and offer them opportunities, even in the international arena, so that they can deal positively with the challenges that the global market poses today”.





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