Roberto Morabito, Director of Department for Sustainability of Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and a distinguished member of the International Advisory Board of the Miami Scientific Italian Community, has been appointed as the new President of CETMA.
CETMA is a Research and Technology organization. This means that its activities are aimed both at generating new knowledge (Research) and at finding concrete applications of the new knowledge (Technology) for companies and institutions.
It was established in 1994 following a special agreement between ENEA (National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and MURST (Ministry of Universities, Scientific and Technological Research) with the aim of promote business innovation, with particular reference to Southern Italy.
It is a stable consortium with external activities in which ENEA holds the majority of the shares (50%). Another public partner is the University of Salento (5%), while the private partners are RINA Consulting SpA, Lattanzio Group Spa, Digimat srl, Marlanvil SpA, Sysman srl, Axist srl, GMT Sud srl, ASA srl (service company of the ANIMA Confederation, part of the industrial federations of Confindustria). The consortium is open to further participation.
At an international level, CETMA is counted among the organizations that identify themselves with the acronym RTO, Research and Technology Organization.
It is a non-profit organization and all its profits are reinvested in research, training and dissemination activities. It possesses all the requisites of a research institution foreseen by the Community legislation1.
It is a qualified laboratory registered in the Register of Laboratories of the MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) according to DM593/2000.
CETMA has developed expertise in materials engineering, computer engineering and industrial design. Using these skills in an integrated way, it takes the form of a multidisciplinary subject for the innovation of products, processes and services capable of promoting and assisting the growth and development of the national production system and effectively addressing technological development activities. Research and innovation services are provided without distinction to any type of company and institution.