The large area Padova-Rovigo-Treviso-Venezia is the new Capital of Enterprise Culture of 2022, a Confindustria initiative

It takes the baton from Alba city where Saturday, November 6 was the proclamation during the Forum Piccola Industria di Confindustria.

The submission dossier for the project was presented by Assindustria Venetocentro and Confindustria Venezia-Rovigo and promoted by Confindustria the General Confederation of Italian Industry, under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Culture, as part of the initiatives for the promotion and dissemination of enterprise culture, aims to enhance the territories and local economies with a strong industrial presence, in which the synergy between the production system and the creative and cultural values takes on a distinctive dimension and creates opportunities for development and growth for cities and their territories.

The area of Padova-Rovigo-Treviso-Venezia has a competitive and diversified economy, international poles of research and innovation, world production primates in Made in Italy, tourism, art and culture and a barycentric position in the European Union.The dossier presented by the two industrial associations wanted to go beyond the traditional boundaries to embrace a unitary dimension of a vast area that, despite its specificity, is recognized in an interconnected history and development.





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